Getting Started


monitor is built on Python 3.7+ and can be installed using Pip

pip install resource-monitor

For use with GPUs you will need to have the associated command-line tools installed. Currently, Nvidia (using nvidia-smi) and AMD (using rocm-smi) are supported.

Basic Usage

The usage statement for each resource type is outlined below. The --help flag is provided at each level. monitor --help will show the device groups (i.e., cpu/gpu). monitor <device> --help will show available resources for that group.

For complete information including examples at the command-line, the manual page can be accessed with man monitor.

CPU Percent

usage: monitor cpu percent [-h] [--all-cores] [-s SECONDS] [--csv [--no-header]]
Monitor CPU percent utilization.

-t, --total                    Show values for total cpu usage (default).
-a, --all-cores                Show values for individual cores.
-s, --sample-rate  SECONDS     Time between samples (default: 1).
    --plain                    Print messages in syslog format (default).
    --csv                      Print messages in CSV format.
    --no-header                Suppress printing header in CSV mode.
-h, --help                     Show this message and exit.

CPU Memory

usage: monitor cpu memory [-h] [-s SECONDS] [--actual [--human-readable]] [--csv [--no-header]]
Monitor CPU memory utilization.

    --percent                   Report value as a percentage (default).
    --actual                    Report value as total bytes.
-s, --sample-rate     SECONDS   Time between samples (default: 1).
-H, --human-readable            Human readable values (e.g., "8.2G").
    --plain                     Print messages in syslog format (default).
    --csv                       Print messages in CSV format.
    --no-header                 Suppress printing header in CSV mode.
-h, --help                      Show this message and exit.

GPU Percent

usage: monitor gpu percent [-h] [-s SECONDS] [--csv [--no-header]]
Monitor GPU percent utilization.

-s, --sample-rate  SECONDS     Time between samples (default: 1).
    --plain                    Print messages in syslog format (default).
    --csv                      Print messages in CSV format.
    --no-header                Suppress printing header in CSV mode.
-h, --help                     Show this message and exit.

GPU Memory

usage: monitor gpu memory [-h] [-s SECONDS] [--csv [--no-header]]
Monitor GPU memory utilization.

-s, --sample-rate  SECONDS     Time between samples (default: 1).
    --plain                    Print messages in syslog format (default).
    --csv                      Print messages in CSV format.
    --no-header                Suppress printing header in CSV mode.
-h, --help                     Show this message and exit.

GPU Power

usage: monitor gpu power [-h] [-s SECONDS] [--csv [--no-header]]
Monitor GPU power consumption (in Watts).

-s, --sample-rate  SECONDS     Time between samples (default: 1).
    --plain                    Print messages in syslog format (default).
    --csv                      Print messages in CSV format.
    --no-header                Suppress printing header in CSV mode.
-h, --help                     Show this message and exit.

GPU Temperature

usage: monitor gpu temp [-h] [-s SECONDS] [--csv [--no-header]]
Monitor GPU temperature (Celsius).

-s, --sample-rate  SECONDS     Time between samples (default: 1).
    --plain                    Print messages in syslog format (default).
    --csv                      Print messages in CSV format.
    --no-header                Suppress printing header in CSV mode.
-h, --help                     Show this message and exit.